Under Processing...

Discussion Forum

In general, when you want to discuss a topic that is covered in the curriculum, we prefer that you use the comments section of the appropriate module. However, not all topics are covered in the curriculum, so if there is something on your mind that you need feedback on, please feel free to open up a thread and ask your questions here.

As time goes by, we will surely enrich our curriculum and provide more comprehensive modules. Meanwhile, let’s use this forum for discussions on topics that Sramana has not yet created a lecture + case study module.

And as we see topics trending, it will also help us pull together additional lecture modules on those topics.

You can access the Discussion Forum here. Also, please note this service is only available for the 1M/1M Premium Members.

Membership Fee:

Non-refundable $1000 annual membership fee for unlimited usage. [What to expect from the 1M/1M premium program]. Click here to join 1M/1M