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What does 1M/1M Basic $99 monthly subscription include?

It includes the 1M/1M Curriculum only. It doesn’t include any other 1M/1M services like mentoring at private roundtables, introductions to investors, customers, channel partners, media, analysts, or any other promotional opportunities.

What are other 1M/1M services, beyond the Curriculum?

Other services are all a part of the 1M/1M Premium Program that costs $1000 per year. It includes mentoring at private roundtables, introductions to investors, customers, channel partners, media, analysts, and other promotional opportunities through the 1M/1M channels. More details here.

What is the syllabus for the 1M/1M Curriculum? Which subjects does it cover?

The Curriculum covers seven Core topics: Bootstrapping, Positioning, Customer Validation, Market Sizing, Customer Acquisition, Team Building, and Financing. In addition, it has many Electives. You will find a full description here. We also recommend that you start with this self-assessment to see where you may have knowledge gaps.

What is the format of the 1M/1M Curriculum?

The curriculum is 100% online with Video Lectures (to watch) and Case Studies (to read). You can also ask questions in the discussion area related to each topic.

Why should I pay for this 1M/1M Curriculum? There is plenty of free information on the Internet.

Yes there is. You should choose to do what works for you. 1M/1M Basic was created because entrepreneurs asked us for access to the Curriculum ONLY. They said that it would be a good way for them to “dip their toes” into the 1M/1M Premium Program that costs $1,000 a year. They asked us for something to get them started, to help them understand better how, what, why 1M/1M works as it does, and figure out if the 1M/1M Premium full year subscription at $1,000 a year is the right next step after that. Also, we follow a specific, proven methodology and have curated over 700 case studies and numerous video lectures synthesizing the lessons and advice that will be hard for you to find for free, on your own.

What does the $1,000 per year Premium Program include then?

It includes the Curriculum, mentoring at private roundtables, introductions to investors, customers, channel partners, media, analysts, and other promotional opportunities through the 1M/1M channels. Full details are here.

Can I zip through 1M/1M Basic in one month and cancel the $99 monthly subscription after that?

Yes, you can. In fact, if you can afford the time to spend an intense 50-100 hours for a month and really dive into the Curriculum, you will come out on the other end infinitely wiser. Try it. You can always continue your membership longer if you need to.

How many hours should I plan to spend on the 1M/1M Curriculum?

We recommend that you spend a minimum one hour a day, every day, for a month and see how it goes. One hour a day is an easy commitment to incorporate into any busy schedule. Of course, you are welcome to lock yourself in a room and gobble 50 hours of the Curriculum in a week. Especially, if you are looking to accelerate yourself in a hurry, the latter mode may be effective. It would take you about 50-100 hours to get through a substantial amount of the entire 1M/1M Curriculum. We have close to 400 hours worth of material from which you will need to choose where you spend your time.

So, how do I prioritize what I should focus on?

Start with the Self-Assessment. Identify your knowledge gaps. This will help you get a handle on the key issues in the Core Curriculum. Then pick an Elective to digest. This should be manageable in about 50-100 hours. The Electives are listed here.

When is the best time to start engaging with the 1M/1M Curriculum? Before, during or after my product development?

Before and during your product development. If you start 1M/1M after your product is already defined and developed, it can still be helpful in many ways, but be prepared to correct many of your false assumptions. You may need to spend time on redoing stuff that could have been done better in the first place. So, by all means, engage with the 1M/1M Curriculum before and during your product development and avoid making avoidable mistakes in the first place.